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What Happens After You Get Tested for COVID-19

You have heard from us week after week — if you don’t feel well, go get tested for COVID-19! It’s very important that we get tested so we can get the care we need and keep those around us safe. But what happens after the test? Where does my information go? And is it safe for me to get tested if I am undocumented? Why are people calling me?
If you test positive for COVID-19, you can expect a few things to happen after the test:

When You Should Get Tested for COVID-19

With restrictions and information changing all the time, it can be very confusing to know when you should get tested for COVID-19 and when you shouldn’t. Right now, Milwaukee is well-prepared to test people. There are numerous sites around the city where you can go to get tested, even if you are not an established patient.

Let’s Talk about the Flu Shot

Getting a flu vaccine not only helps you, but also lowers the risk for your children and grandparents. At Sixteenth Street, where I work as a primary doctor, I have this conversation very often:
“Today you get your vaccines, including the flu vaccine.”
“No thank you, I never get it”

Sixteenth Street to Open New Clinic Focused on Behavioral Health for Milwaukee’s South Side Community

Milwaukee – (November 21, 2019) – Sixteenth Street Community Health Centers announced today the opening of a new clinic delivering behavioral health services in collaboration with the Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division (BHD). With a focus on prevention, early intervention, and same-day access, the clinic will offer community-based behavioral health and substance use services across the care continuum, increasing access for families on the south side of Milwaukee. This clinic is made possible by a donation of $3.7 million from the Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin health network.