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There are a variety of ways to support Sixteenth Street Community Health Centers through your estate plans, and each option has its own tax benefits. Informed decisions about your estate planning options can help you ensure that you have provided for yourself, your family and your loved ones while also supporting equitable health care for families most in need. Please consult with an estate-planning professional when considering a bequest or planned gift.

A bequest is an easy but important way for you to ensure that your assets are distributed the way you wish.  You can designate Sixteenth Street Community Health Centers as the recipient of a cash gift, a percentage, or residual remainder of your estate or living trust. You can also designate how your bequest will be used by restricting the funds to support a particular program.

Sample bequest language includes:

I give, devise, and bequeath ____ (percentage or dollar amount) of my estate (or specific assets) for the benefit of the Sixteenth Street Community Health Centers, FEIN 39-1180475, to be used for its general purposes.

This information is not intended as legal or tax advice. Please consult your financial planner or attorney when considering a bequest or planned gift.